Meditating not only creates peace and relaxation it also provides a powerful way to manifest the things we want in life.

But with all the distractions and busyness of our lives, how do we settle our mind to meditate?

Seeds of Awakening Meditation CD

Seeds of Awakening, Gerri DeSimone & Matt Pavolaitis

Did you realize that the first 15 minutes of mediating is the process of clearing the mind? Even the most advanced meditators do not drop into “the void” immediately.  I’ve found that keeping a notebook and pen nearby is the key. When we allow ourselves to work through and complete the process of clearing the mind, we are then able to arrive at the meditative state. Keeping a notebook handy gives you a place to jot down all the thoughts that pop up. Oh, I have to call this person – write it down. I need to buy this…write it down. God, I’m worried about her…write it down. Continue this process until the mind relaxes. Our minds cannot relax if we are afraid we won’t remember all the things that pop up as we begin our meditation. Another reason to keep the notebook nearby is to fill it with the revelations that mediation provides once we get there. And you will get there when you allow yourself the time and process of emptying the mind. Isn’t it nice to now have a place to empty it?

The second trick I have found that works is listening to a guided meditation. This gives us something to focus on. While focusing on the “”breathe” is a wonderful technique, sometimes we need a bit more to shift our minds off our to-do list or shake off the day. There are many CD’s out there that I have worked with and found great success. I will tell you about them in the upcoming months. This month I would like to tell you about Gerri DeSimones’ CD “Seeds of Awakening”. What I love most about this nifty CD is that after she walks you gently through a meditation, her CD provides you with 10 minutes of just music after each meditation. There are 6 in all, each with a 10 minute section of music following the mediation. I find this section perfect for visualizing my dreams and goals.  The power of visualizing – next week’s topic – is key to creating a life of joy and happiness – AND abundance of course! Oh….and love :-), can’t forget that.

And one more trick – it is not absolutely necessary to sit in the cross legged position to achieve that blissful state. But it is imperative that you are comfortable. I have found that the most distracting part of mediating is finding a way to be comfortable so that my mind can relax. This is different for each of us. So find a place and position that allows you to be comfortable, but not fall asleep. And enjoy the process of emptying your mind and finding the void in comfort!